Pierre Veron

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Hi! I’m Pierre Veron, PhD student in evolution and ecology at Institute of Biology of École Normale Supérieure (IBENS) and at Institute for the Diversity, Ecology and Evolution of the Living World of the Université Paris Saclay (IDEEV).

I’m interested in speciation research, my work focuses on theoretical predictions on the link between microevolution and macroevolution. I’m co-supervised by


My work

I am working of theoretical modelisation of the different steps of speciation, with the aim to understand which microevolutionary processes modulate the rates of speciation in the living world.

Summary of the speciation steps

Summary of the speciation steps and the most common ways to estimate them in the nature.

To do so I rely on a modelisation approach, for instance using the holey adaptive landscape to analyse the influence of the parameters such as population size, mutation rate, outbreeding depression on the time for speciation in allopatric or parapatric mode.

Additionnaly, I work on more macroevolutionnary models such as the protracted birth death model of speciation (PBD) to analyse the most influent steps of speciation (population splitting, accumulation of reproductive isolation, population survival).

Influence on the speciation rate

Most influent steps of the speciation on the overall speciation rate.


Veron, P., Andréoletti, J., Giraud, T., & Morlon, H. (2024). Speciation completion rates have limited impact on macroevolutionary diversification. bioRxiv preprint. doi: 10.1101/2024.07.01.601000

Morlon, H., Andréoletti, J., Barido-Sottani, J., Lambert, S., Perez-Lamarque, B., Quintero, I., Senderov, V. and Veron, P. (2024). Phylogenetic Insights into Diversification. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics, 55, 1–21. doi: 10.1146/annurev-ecolsys-102722-020508

Veron, P., Rozanski, R., Marques, V., Joost, S., Deschez, M. E., Trenkel, V. M., Lorance, P., Valentini, A., Polanco, A. F., Pellissier, L., Eme, D. and Albouy, C. (2023). Environmental DNA complements scientific trawling in surveys of marine fish biodiversity. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 80(8), 2150–2165. doi: 10.1093/icesjms/fsad139


Adaptive dynamics

Master 2 IMaLiS 2022 & 2023 École normale supérieure - PSL, IBENS Professor Régis Ferrière

Adaptive dynamics modeling has become the dominant theoretical framework for “Darwinian ecology”, i.e. the investigation of the ecological causes and consequences of evolution. The course will present the key concepts underlying the adaptive dynamics approach: environmental feedback loop, invasion fitness, evolutionary singularity, evolutionary stability, evolutionary branching, evolutionary suicide, pairwise invasibility plots and canonical equations. The general framework will be applied to study the eco-evolutionary dynamics of populations competing for resources, predator-prey interactions, and mutualistic systems. Hands-on tutorial sessions will aim at simulations of specific examples.

Maths training for L3 and M1 students

Master IMaLiS École normale supérieure - PSL, IBENS Professor Amaury Lambert

The course covers differential equations, dynamical systems, elementary linear algebra, Markov chains, probabilities and statistics. The course website I created can be found here.

Computational biology

Master 1 IMaLiS École normale supérieure - PSL, IBENS Professors Pierre Vincens and Morgane Thomas-Chollier

The aim of this course is to introduce students to bioinformatics, by consolidating their knowledge in fundamental principles, as well as opening to current research topics in computational biology. The course includes programming (Python and R) applied to biology, and courses with practicals in computational biology. The program covers:

Talks and posters


:email: pveron [at] bio.ens.psl [dot] eu


Last update: 2024/09/12